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On Tuesday night my kribs had eggs in their cave and they were still there this am. Tonight I notice the female chasing and attacking the male in the tank. Looked into the cave and the eggs were gone. She is hovering at the back of the tank behind driftwood and rocks. I fed them but shes not eating and only moving a few inches then returning.

Would the eggs have hatched yet? Do kribs move their eggs?

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It is possible they had been there longer but that was the first time I noticed the female didn't come out for food and the male was hovering just outside the cave. Tank has three tiny bns in it but thats all. Tonight the male is eating but the female seems to just be hovering mostly in the same spot, every so often she dips head down towards the ground. I didn't know if kribs could move eggs or not. She's not leaving except if the male comes over. Can't quite see what she's doing, theres a rock in the way!

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