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Killies with discus?


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please excuse my ignorance, I realise this may be a really stupid question, as i really dont know that much about killies, but could they go into a 430lt planted discus tank, with Harlequin rasboras, corys, GBA's and glass catfish? If not then its on to tank number 2! (the flatmate already thinks im mad)

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Yea im with Barrie. Yes they should get along fine with those fish, but they do prefer much lower temps (ie 22-24 as barrie stated)

Setup another tank for the killies. They will be breeding in no time, and they are not necesarily hard to raise. Oh and if you do get killies, It would awesome if you joined the NZ Killifish association! You can get cheap eggs and/or fish from many of the members. Feel free to PM me or Barrie or someone else who is in the NZKA for more details!

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