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Bottom Feeder - Yeah right


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Thanks Ian :bow:

It's a pretty fish. Don't think I've heard of them before. Reading the link you posted...not to difficult to maintain would you say? Are they prone to Ich, because if I recall, tooo long away from here, aren't the clowns?


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When I kept clowns I never had a problem with Ich. If stressed and/or in poor water they definately do break out. Out of my seven I only had one who got ich, which he got after I bought him, but within 2 days of being in my established tank he was fine without mediciation or special treatment.

They are very sensitive to nitrite though :( So an established aquarium is very much a must.

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Reading the link you posted...not to difficult to maintain would you say?

Had no problems with mine.

Shop only had 2 when I got them, have been looking for a couple more as they seem to like living in a group, like most loaches. Still my group of 2 seem happy, active and have grown heaps. No special treatment, just regular water changes. That tank has a bit of an algae issue at the moment, so has been getting extra water changes, but it didn't seem to worry any of the fish. You just couldn't see them for a while :oops:



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