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Filter for my tank.


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Hi all. I'm new to this forum. This is excellent space to get information. :)

I recently started this hobby. I got a kit and fish as a gift. It's Aqua one tank kit, which consists of 28L glass tank with hood + light and UG filter with 400L/H powerhead. Flow rate is unadjustable.

I have one blackmoor atm and planning to get some more as I expend the size of tank. I'm thinking of acquiring around 80L~100L tank when I move to bigger house..

I'v had this setup about 5weeks now. It seems my fish is happy and quite active. I had no problem with it except going through Algae bloom.(green water) :( Quite strange as it is no where near the window and well out of direct sunlight. I turn the light off overnight and I have no live plants atm. I think it's got to do with live plants I had before though. I had about 3 little ones before and replaced them with plastic ones as live ones just died.

Anyway the main question, is the filter. I got UG filter that came with the tank. It's got plastic frame goes under the gravel and powerhead pumping water through it and pour it from the surface. I think the green water problem is partly because I have no sponge on my filtering system??

Also isn't a pump of 400L/H is bit too much for my tank? I think it creats bit too much current.

For these reasons, I've been thinking of change my filtering system from UG filter to canister filter or internal filter. I've looked at Eheim 2010 or Aqua one CF500. I'm uncertain these are suitable filter systems for my tank. I'd like an adjustable flow rate, since when I upgrade to bigger tank later on, I would want to use the existing one rather than buying new.

What would be your opinion on this?

Cheers and this forum rocks. :hail:

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sorry too tired to read you post properly lol, but if it's for your 28L tank, a small filter will be fine, a Eheim 2010 or a CF500 will be a bit of a overkill.

For the 100L tank, both will be perfect, the CF500 provides more filtration media, the 2010 just has a large sponge but Eheim is an unbeatable brand.

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Hi, a cf500 has more flow than the power head you are currently using, filters 500 litres an hour. Don't think it would fit in your tank as has a fairly long spray bar and would certainly put a decent current through your tank. You can't reduce the rate on this filter either. I use a cf500 on my 100 litre tank which is sufficient for the size of the tank. The other filter you mention I don't know about.

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If you think the adjustable powerhead is making too much current then the other filters you are looking at will probably produce even more.

Either will be fine for a 100l tank though.

I dont think they will magically fix the green water though, the sponge in them is pretty open and floating algae is pretty small. Some more water changes may help clear it up though.

I have an Ehiem 2008 (baby brother to the 2010) in my 70l tank, it works great. The undergravel with a powerhead should be fine for a small tank like that. Get a better filter when you get the bigger tank.



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If you are sticking to goldfish I would rather see them in a pond but if you must have them in a tank a 100L would be big enough for 2 or 3 at the most, and not comets. Goldfish grow large and are messy. They are also good at nibbling the roots of plants so kill off the rest of the leaves.

I think your green water is more a result of the amount of waste your fish is producing and no live plants.

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Thanks for all the replies.

So do you reckon if I introduce a live plant back in the tank, it would solve the green water problem? I change water twice a week by the way. So I don't think fish waste is the cause. I didn't have this problem before having live plants.

That's good because I'm only planning to have couple of blackmoors in 100L tank. Even I feel my 28L tank is too small for him right now.

And yup I do have gravel of course. that's good point actualy. I might think of adding more gravel to it. Atm the gravel is layered around 2inch thick.

I will forget about replacing filter system then. I will just stick with current UG filter and get a new filter system as I replace the tank later.


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