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How is everybody??? Been quite awhile since I've been here :oops: Surprised myself when I remembered my password :oops: SOOOOOOOOO much catchin up to do!

Still have the 3 tanks...plus one still not set up. 1 - tiger barbs, red eye tetras, pleco; 1 - ottos, goldfish; 1 - guppies, and pepper corys.

First time ever having the corys...anything I should know about these guys...oh wise & fishy people :D:D:hail::hail:


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Who is this woman and why does she think she knows us


Thanks for the welcome back :P I've missed you all...it is sure great to be back though :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

Caryl, I'll post about my grandchild in another forum ah section...omg so much to try and remember :oops: :lol:

First time buying the cory's yesterday, only bought 2, one dead this morning :( So, what is the scoop on these guys? What pearls of wisdom do you folks have re: corys????

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Hi Caper, pepper cories are normally hardy fish they like neutral water but are very tolerent, Temp 24c but I have had them with Discus at 28c and coldwater fish at room temp. Maybe you were just unlucky. They are very peaceful and make a great cummunity fish.

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Thanks :bow:

I'm concerned about them eating. They (bought 2 more today, so have 3) are in a 10 gallon tank right now and will eventually be moved into a 20 gallon.

From what I've read so far, just the left over flakes on the bottom is not sufficient????


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Thanks :bow:

I'm concerned about them eating. They (bought 2 more today, so have 3) are in a 10 gallon tank right now with 1 guppy (other 2 died) and will eventually be moved into a 20 gallon.

From what I've read so far, just the left over flakes on the bottom is not sufficient????


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