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This comes in pellet & granule form. Trust me Matthew this stuff S@#ts all over live food & other colour inhances. It colours up juvie cichlids & even makes girls look like Males. Made in asia.

Just concerns here are that it sends Females sterile. :o Some lfs use this as it is easy to sell 3 to 4 cm coloured up cichlids(eg; electric blue)

It has high levels of PSB & also contains,ADP & Astaxanthin.Anyone know anything about these chemicals.

Frenchy :x

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Sorry, never heard of it or the chemicals. Sounds a bit dodgy though. Interestingly, a shop I know (whose name and location will remain unstated) was well known for its beautiful, colourful, fish they imported direct from Europe. The one thing I heard repeatedly though was that no one seemed to be able to breed from them. Wonder if they had been fed on the same stuff?

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Cheers Caryl, Im suprised that if it is here in Aussie & being made in Thailand, why it hasnt hit your shores??? I have tried sites in usa & europe, dosent seem to be there either. This product is also high in protein.

A well known discus breeder here had his go sterile for 8 months :o

I do get a few bad stories from it each week at work. :cry:

Alot of shops here have tried it, but only a few keep using it now. Seems to be the bigger stores I suppose they can afford to lose a few fish here & there. I just think its a shame , anything to try & make a $$$. The 1 store I went to I busted them fishing out Trophies & goldfish, all with bloat. :evil:

It's "good" when the company that makes the product, cant or won't give out any info. :roll:

Frenchy :-?

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1st you should state the fish.

2nd the reason why many fish are sterile is because of the process used to breed them, not the food they feed them on. Breeding stock is fed steroids to bring them into condition artificially, and there are many processes to fertilise the eggs. Any livestock from these fish are sterile. This is not don't on purpose (although many a conspiracy sais it is), but a side effect of the steroids and hormones used.

Often the only way to breed these difficult fish is using this process. Hence the reasons you can never get many fish to breed, e.g. Loaches, Arawanas etc.

Its a shame but many argue that its better than depleting the wild stock. I also belive that often the parent stock are killed duing the insemination process (minced?).

There was some state in the US that tried to pass a law that all fish stock should have papers proving its ancestory and retailers would have to publish the information (e.g. wild caught, lab bred on steroids, naturally rasied) but it never happened (I don't think, can't even remeber where I read it).


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Pies: I have no other details so can't tell you what fish they were. I just wondered if it was connected. I don't even know if the fish were sterile or just the people weren't experienced enough. Steroids have been mentioned in relation to this place but all is only heresay, which is why I didn't mention name or location :D

Herefishiefishie: It may be in NZ, I just said I had never heard of it. As there is no petshop in my area I do not get to see what is on offer very much. :cry:

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I think its highly likley that the fish were bred with steroids and hormones. Don't blame the local shop though, they just buy them from the importer (Brooklands most likley in the north island, rewoods in the south). I don't think it reflects poorly on them either, its more the species of fish than anything.

COST. Money drives everything. Captive bred clownfish cost about 50% more than wild caught ones, not many people care of how they get this, they only care how much it will cost them. Same with Clams. Dollar drives it all, quality takes 2nd place to price.


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The follwing article covers some interesting points about fish food, the preparation of commercial and home made food sources for fish, nutritional information, etc... good reading.

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This site also covers a lot of other areas including breeding, disease management, aquarium setup, all with a technical outlook and focus ranging from private to commercial ventures.

(Many thanks to all the people with letters after their names who compiled the resources available)

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Sorry pies I should off added. :roll: A well known discus breeder in Brissie had his discus(proven breeders) go sterile for 8 months. Seems when fish come off the food, they die, look ratsht......

I will add what I found out about the chemicals later on.

The reason it is here in Aussie, is an importer brought it in & then sold it to other stores, most tried it for a while, & only a few shops in brisbane & none on the gold coast still use.

I did a couple of trail days for this company & had to fish out dead Goldfish & trophies full of bloat.. :cry: money before the well being of the fish :evil:

Frenchy :o

ps; cheers Dark, Ill have alook at the sites...

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