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Guppies Dying


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My daughters Guppy tank seems to be in crisis.

I have checked water .. all readings are good. PH is a little on the low side but not hugely so.

Tank is an AR380 and has around 9 adult guppies, 4 peppered cory , 2 tiny brislenoses and some 15-20 guppy fry( 2 weeks old..so tiny still)

We have lost two female guppies in the past two weeks ( both yellow girls and both following birth) and three more are this morning sitting on the bottom of the tank looking thin and bent. They seem to be hunched over.

What could be causing this ?

It's been a good three weeks since any new guppies were added, and they had been in a Q tank for three weeks prior to that.


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A lot of people seem to be having problems with guppies of late. Some think it could be caused by too much interbreeding. I had problems losing them also untill I added a uv sterilizer and glad to say problem solved.However there are those who do not like uv's.

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The main problem is to buy some "nice fish" and introduce them to the ones you already have in the tank.

The imported ones (bred in Asia) have a virus to which the local ones are not resistant.

This seems to be the main reason for guppy deaths in the past 2-4 years.

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