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mini planted tank, pearling under leaves?


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ok i setup a little 15 litre tank i have as follows:

tank 350mm x 230 x 230H

daltons propagating sand

dupla under gravel heating cable ( don't think its working but saves having to find somewhere to store it)

Nutrafin CO2 fermentation kit

Elite stingray 5 filter (has filter pads and a little bit of carbon)

lighting; beside lamp lined with tinfoil and has a 23W power saving light bulb, 6500K


Daily = red sea plant 24

Weekly = some special mix i was given by a friend hahahahah


Few bunches of java fern

few tiny anubius nana

one very tiny crypts

small bunch of floating indian fern

five small amazon swords that were baby ones out of another tank.


3 very old mountain minnows

2 long finned danios

1 small red fan

1 borneo sucker

1 fresh water mussel

so i set it up a week or so ago with some bad lighting and just changed it to the current lighting yesterday when i did a bit of a clean, water change, fertilizer does and added the swords and crypts. it had a little brown algae so also did a does of some cheap algae remover stuff.

Today i came home from uni and noticed small bubbles under some of the leaves of the sword plants. would this be pearling or just bubbles released from the gravel that have been caught under the leaves?

The light is very bright and says on the pack is the equivalent of a normal 75W bulb ( it lights up my entire room better than my normal lights hahahaha) but didnt know if the swords would be pearlign so early after being planted as they wouldnt be fully established yet.

any thoughts i'd love to hear.

i may post photos but i may wait till its established a bit better and looks nice

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yeah i figured that out today when this morning there were no bubbles and then tongith there were even more.

i do daily drops for fertiliser and this weekly stuff i have is pretty potent. got it from a guy who grows aqautic plants professionally.

well get some pics when its looking good enough to be worth taking pics hahahaha

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depends on what your set up is like i guess. are you using CO2? and what level lighting do you have?

whats your substrates like?

how bigs the tank?

PMDD seems to be pretty popular on here for a daily one from what i can remember.

If you can its best to dose what required for your tank based on water testing.

i however, am to lazy so just tend to balance it out on how things seem to be growing and what algae there is............

I just do a weekly general fertilizer and then a daily additive with trace nutrients.

My daily one is the red sea plant 24 which was kind of a replacement for dupla 24 from what i can recall.

Theres heaps of fertilizers out there at the shops and stuff though.

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ok i had a bit of a change around today hahahah

the tank has only been setup like 2 weeks and its had three different looks hahahaha

i finally put the java fern and anubius onto a peice of driftwood. i got rid of a couple of swords and added a tiny little red tiger lotus in.

I know most of the plants in there at the moment will outgrow the tank quick as, but i will deal with that when it happens.

i also had a loss in the tank. i forgot the downfalls of an open top tank until i found my borneo sucker had swum to fast up the side last nigth and was dried out behind the tank so thats not cool.

i put some JBL 7 balls in today under the red plants to make sure they have enough iron and am going to leave the tank for a while to get running now.

i am however looking at putting a small ground cover plant in as i think they would grow well in there so if anyone has something that they think would be cool in there , i am thinking glosso at the moment. happy to pay a little for it and postage but i reckon i'll only need a tiny bit to get it going.

im going to set up a photobucket thing tonight and will get a progress thread going with photos. Will put some of the AR620 up as well so you can see where the baby plants come from and where they go to when they are all grown up hahaha

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