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Hi, I wouldn't, the older lot are likely to think the new ones are bbs, you will need to wait a few days. I generally find that if you are going to put two lots in together the younger ones need to wait until they are about 2 weeks old. Size difference is not so great then.

Also a good idea to give the female fighter a break from breeding as it will wear her down.

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I'm stunned that they hatched without anything eating them.

Use as much water as you can from the existing tank. Doesn't have to be that deep at this stage. You can add a cup or so of water every day to raise the level. Use an air stone and put some floating plant in so when they start to nibble theres algae etc there. They won't like being moved - its best to wait until they are air breathing. Sort of scoop them up with water in a container or if you have to suction them over via a hose.

Make sure the new tank is at the right temp and cover it well. Sealing it with gladwrap to keep the humidity in is good.

Let me know how you get on.

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they haven't hatched yet. only spawned today.

both mum and dad collected the eggs and put them in the nest.

will start the set up now so i'm prepared for when i have to move them :-?

have read that when moving them to make sure they are in water; ie in a cup.

well fingers crossed and thanks :)

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just wondering how you will collect them when they do hatch as they are so very very small. Is there anyway you can sort of get something like an icecream container around the area now so that the nest and father fighter are surrounded. Then when they hatch they will be contained already. It also means that nothing else will be able to eat them which I'm sure they will try to.

Generally hatchings in a community tank don't work.

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