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fin nippers


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one of my guppies has half of its tail missing, I suspect my angel fish did it am I right are there any other fish that might do this. I have clown loaches, platys, cory cats . Is there anything I can do for the guppy? he seems to be ok he swims well enough to get food.

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The angel would be the prime suspect in this assault :wink:

Some individuals are pretty laid back and wont worry other fish, but others, as they get bigger, look on their tankmates as a snack, and males guppys are just too tempting and slow.

The guppys will survive a bit of fin nipping and it usually grows back to some extent, but for it's long term wellbeing it's probably best to seperate them.

I would find a new home for one or the other.



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Not at all. You need at least TWO bigger tanks :wink:

One for the angels and another for the guppy fry to grow out.

I like the way you think , just saw a 4ft set up for abt $250usd. my dream tank for abt $850usd. GF against 2 tanks my little girl loves the idea, as long as she gets th 30 gal in her room
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Yup.. you need a nice new big tank for the angels and the clown loaches, the guppys and corys will be fine in the smaller tank for the little one :wink:

You dont need the dream tank, a decent 4ft tank with a homebuilt stand and light hood is fine for your fish, and the angels and clowns are going to need it eventually anyway.

I have been back into fish keeping for 2 years after 20 years without any, and have 5 tanks already :roll:



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