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Breeder tank ideas


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Hi guys,

Can someone help me with ideas on how to set up my old 15ltr tank so that I can use it to put my pregnant platys in before they give birth. I would really like to save the fry. It's set up with heater, gravel & pump, but no plants or fish. I've heard that CoryDoras wont eat the fry, is this true? What fish/plants can I put in there with them that wont pose a threat to the babies? Look forward to your thoughts.

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Hi Tsarmina, thanks for the quick response. I'm thinking Panda CoryDoras & ottos, as they stay small & I already have some in my community tank & they're fine. What do you think? Where's the best place to get the Java moss & Indian Fern?? I'm on a tight budget. . . . I'm only 13!

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