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Sick Giraffe


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One of my giraffes is sick. this is the one that had white spot, it also has been harassed bythe other giraffe. its fins are tatty, hasn't moved much over the last 24 hours, isn't eating & is very weak. it isnt quite clear on the pic but it has pale patches where its dark blotches are. i don't hold much hope for it surviving but anyone know what i could be & can it affect the others?


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The venustus has been touched up a far bit that is what the marks are. Add a little extra salt to his new home to increase slime coat production. Feed it up for a few weeks, should be fine.

When re introducing, if you do. May be best when well, just to trade back to shop or sell on here.

Re arrange the tank & try to introduce with a few newbies, dither fish or feeders to give the venustus a chance.

Either introduce on lights out when you have the next day off.

Or introduce first thing in the morning on a day where you can watch to see what happens.

Frenchy :D

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Once it has recuperated, take out the other ven and swap them tank for tank, this way it'll get a chance to claim a territory and be more comfortable.

What is wrong with it being a female and the other, if a male, making amorous advances.

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That may work Alan, all depends on the aggression or dominance in the alpha male. Some males are keen to just guard a small territory, others will constantly harass the weaker to death. In the case of Venustus, probably be death. They like a bigger area to call there own & are on the aggressive side of things to lets say a peacock as an example.

Worth a try, sometimes works, sometimes doesn't.

Frenchy :D

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