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Cycling with fish


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  • 5 weeks later...

what sort of snails? Shouldn't be too much of a problem, almost everyone on here has snails in their tanks, though if there is only a couple I would remove them as they multiply fast! should be fine to slowly start adding fish now... just a couple to start with- you don't have nitrite test do you?

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Its been awhile but the ammonia in my tank is now 0. Should be ready to add fish now?

Yes, you should add some fish now, the tank wont be fully cycled, it wont be because it needs to have the fish and filter bacteria living together. So get a couple of small fish in there, feed them a little food and wait a bit longer.

As for the snails.. well they wont harm the fish and can be a usefull cleanup crew. If you get too many just start picking them out. At least having snails in there is a positive sign, the tank can support life :wink:



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Just an advice though keep track of the number of snails in your tank.

A few is fine, but most snails breed like there's no tomorrow, soon you will have the numbers increasing exponentially.

I bought about 10 Malayan trumpet snails long time ago, after a few months I get these little snails crawling up my tank and every night I had to scoope as many out as I could.

A lot of snails, while useful as clean up crew, will contribute to unwanted nitrate levels to a certain extent.

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Hey there. I think I know the type you mean. I have some in my tank too. I they do multiply quickly. I get rid of them as soon as I see any! I have a nice looong pair or tweezers so I can reach right down into the tank and squish them and get them out. They're about the size of a very small pebble right? I think they're established in the waterways here (and probably alot of ponds too!).. so probably came in on some plants.

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