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Sexing Rams


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lol i dont know if it helps but theres a pic of one of my females under my name..

And this is my male (her bf at the time)


This is one fish ive brought alot of but they just seem to cark it no matter what I do.. I put it down to unhealthy fish looking for some good home bred ones lol but unsure if my wife will let me waste any more money on them :)

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Its hard to tell by those photos but the females usually have a slightly pinker belly, are more rounded, have blue metallic flecks around the top of the black spot. Males tend to be slimmer, the dot is often more elongated and don't have the metallic blue flecks around the dot.

I think the top photo may be a female and the bottom a male, but you owuld need clearer photos

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The pics are really hard to tell as they are blurry this end.... are you able to get some clearer shots? We used to keep Blue Rams and they bred well in their planted tank, but of course the cories etc always used to scoff the eggs at night.. never did much in the way of breeding them, was too busy with the Africans :roll: :lol: Oneday... :D

The sexual differences we noticed with ours was:

Our males were larger, alot leaner and almost longer in body whereas the female is alot chunkier and plump crimson coloured belly. The male has a longer front ray on the first (front) of his dorsal fin. And the extensions underneath on the male ram are alot longer than females.

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