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Red Nymphaea


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One of the many joys of fish keeping is the ability to allow aquarium plants to flower in an open tank. I acquired a few baby red lotus plants and grew them up in a propogation tank as a nursery until they were big enough for my display tank and then moved the largest one while still potted into my 4ft x 2ft x 2ft open planted display tank. It grew HUGE under the MH lighting and nutrient and CO2 supplementation, soon covering most of the water surface with dinner plate sized leaves. About a week ago I finally noticed a flower bud heading for the surface and was rewarded with this on Friday night/Saturday morning, which was a nice touch for overnight visitors who had to put up with an air pump and bubbles all night :)


And yes, it's still flowering. It opens at night and closes during the day, but can be seen anytime between midnight and noon.


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Thanks guys :) Jo0sh - yup, first time I've had one from a red lotus and it's this plants first flower.

Here's pic of it presently. It's getting a bit old so a wee bit of white in the leaves and burned tips from being less than 20cm away from a 150W Metal Halide, but still purdy. Note the Green Tiger Lotus leaves just under the surface fighting for light under the larger darker red lotus leaves.


And one with flash, and a coin for relative size -


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LOL alan, I don't think it would be for sale!

Steves, thanks! It's actually the one that I got before the three I got from you. Yours are still growing up a bit in the prop tank. Did you reproduce yours via plantlets or seeds?

Now I get to wait for the flower to (hopefully) turn into a seed pod..

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I reproduced mine from bulbs which are only just covered by gravel.They sprout tiny shoots over the bulb which eventually turn into little planlets.get about 2-3 at a time about every month . Usually one planlet seems to dominate for light and covers the others which die off.I dont have MH lighting though so that could increase the chance of others surviving too. Once the plantlet develops a sufficient stem it can be cut off with a razor blade and the plant is left still rooted in substrate , then the cycle starts over again.

Does the flower have any kind of aroma when its open?

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