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Spawning korthausae yellows in peat - time?


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Im gunna have a go at spawning my korthausae yellows in a small container of peat but couldnt realy find any info on how long to leave the container in with them for.... What would be the reccomended time???

I have tryed putting gravel on the bottom of the tank for them to spawn in, then syphon out but it didnt realy work too well, so im gunna try this way now.... i just wanna see whats best for me :)


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Leave it there for a fortnight Rogan.

Often when ppl are selling peat, they just check to make sure there are eggs there and sell it as a fortnights collection.

You will know if they are using the peat as it will appear all over the tank as the fish dive into it to do their thing..

Stu recommends that gravel be used as well as the peat, as in their excitment, much "pressing" is done outside of the pot, on the gravel.

Treat this as a bonus, but when syphoned out, you will have "clean" eggs, and know exactly how many you have.

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I use to seperate and condition Nothos for 2-3 weeks then spawn them for 2-3 days. Whatever works best for you is the way to go. I used to set up 10 - 12 trios Friday night and collect the eggs Sunday night and spawn them on sand so as to easily count the eggs, then store them on peat.

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