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I am a naughty naughty girl...


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lol cheesy evil :wink:

Small update (I upload the photos to pass onto my Dad, so may as well put them on here too):


Got some val cheap from the Aqua Fun day, had it at the back, but the filter was playing a bit of havoc with it so it got stuck on the left. The twisted val is looking very sad after being posted, so I hope it picks up. Rotala at the back, and ambulia in the back right corner. Anubias are kind of under the gravel, held in by a wing and a prayer as I know they aren't supposed to be planted as such. I'm hoping they'll grab onto the rocks. Big cheers to Caryl for sending me the rotala and anubias :bow:

Not really final or anything, just to get the plants in there and hopefully growing first :) Am thinking of saving for a month or so and getting a DIY ballast & endcaps and 2 T5 bulbs to up the lighting

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Thanks guys!

Oh, and the heater has migrated too :lol:

Fish! Now theres the million dollar question :bounce: Was going to ask how this sounded:

7 danios (in there already)

1 bristlenose

3 leopard cory's

Neon Tetras

Swift Rasboras

1 pair blue rams

2-3 ottos

Now if I am thinking 10 neons and 6 odd rasboras, my tank is techinically quite overstocked. Do I need to cut out the rasboras, or am I able to overstock a bit because the majority of my fish are small peaceful schooling fish? Honest question, just because I have seen a few other tanks listed here that are overstocked, but have neons and things in them.

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Anyone else have any comments on my fish list?

Just tested tank water again, pH still at 6, zero ammonia, zero nitrites and zero (maybe just above, its definitely not 5 though) nitrates. Also ran another 10 litres of siphoned guck out of my small tank (tested the water in that tank too for the first time in ages, still all good) through the big tanks filter wool.

Two adult danios have been in there since Tues, and 5 smaller ones added on Thurs. So they are either not excreting ammonia :wink: , or can I assume my filter has a nice amount of bacteria in it?

If so...which fish could I add next this weekend *rubs hands together gleefully*

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Your tank should be able to handle more than what you've listed.

maybe add another 1 or 2 bristlenose, 3 clown loaches will be great for your tank, I would go for 5-6 corys, up to 20 neon tetras.

See what I have in my tank below, the tank is even smaller than yours.

make sure you add then slowly though, a few fish every week or even every two weeks, so your beneficial bacteria doesn't have to try and catch up to the increased ammonia. Made that mistake myself not long ago and still in the process of cycling my tank properly, but looks like I'll get away with it without loosing any fish.

good luck.

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Thanks for your thoughts. Going by the once inch per gallon rule, I would definitely be overstocked though. Which is why I was asking how flexible it is when you are using small schooling fish.

Have considered the loaches, but don't want too many down the bottom, as my tank has only so much groundspace... Would be good to eat the tiny snails that hitchiked in on a plant in my other tank though (and thus into my new tank via the big java fern) But yeah, don't want to overstock

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If you have a good combination of fish in your tank, you can effectively ignore the one inch per galleon rule and still have a well balanced aquarium with a fair biological load that your filter can easily handle, also you've got plenty of plants as well that can help a lot.

Idea is you want to get fish that swim in different levels of the tank, ie. neon tetra would occupy the middle mostly, loaches and corys will be on the bottom most of the time, so they won't get in each other's way and the tank won't feel crowed. You don't want to see 50 fish cramming in the middle of your tank while the top and bottom strata are left empty.

What was your groundspace again? From what I remeber its bigger than mine.

Bottom feeders are important, clown loaches are just fun to have, while corys and catfish do a very good job of cleaning.

If I were to go with the one inch per galleon rule my tank would be many times overstocked by now lol.

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Went to our LFS yesterday and picked up 10 neons. Lovely to have some colour in my tank.

They were schooling so nicely last night, but have become comfortable and spread out today (I like them better schooling :roll: )

Was sitting and watching them just now with my flatmate, and explaining the finer points of fish, and saw a pair of neons spawning! Yeah, I know the eggs wont even hatch (especially when a danio cruises past and hoovers up the eggs), but still, was neat to see. Least I know they must be happy if they are willing to spawn a day after a tank change.

My bristlenose needs to get her a into g and clean the tiny bits of green algae forming on the glass though *tsk tsk*

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi again, just took a couple of photos after attempting to clean the sticky green algae off the front. Wasn't that bad, just lots of tiny threads :-?

Had a fiddle with camera, flash on, flash off, lights in tank on or off... need more practice at tank photos, they never look like the tank does in real life:


And one of my leopard corys that I managed to get a shot of when it was sitting still:


And my fish list has changed, in that I decided I wanted a bigger feature pair of fish, so the rasboras are out, and a pair of angels are in :wink: Yes, I know the neons might become neon snacks, but will deal to that if it occurs...

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