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Struggling with my golden barb fry..help!!


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have been keeping golden barbs for some time and had a few spawns..move eggs to another tank ,had problems with fungi killing off eggs so used meth blue and get them to hatch .first few days use liqua fry to feed em and get them to about 3 weeks and i think they starve to death ..as they look like they get realy skinny then die.was wondering what i should be feeding them??and for how long and how much?have some more on the go but by the time i got the eggs out i have only about 15 fry .very fusterating as i have white clouds and they are no problem at all ....

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Have a look into BBS (baby brine shrimp). it sounds like your fry got to too big a size to eat the liquifry food any more, or they could but it wasn't enough. i don't know much about barbs but BBS is suitable for a lot of different fry

Someone else should be able to give you some more specific advice, but if my post helps a bit then awesome

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Been a few years since I had golden barbs, but if I remember right, I was able to raise them using liquid fry food and newly hatched brince shrimp untill they were big enough to take fine flake food.



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I bred rosy barbs outside in a pond. They are smaller than golden barbs and they never got liquifry or BBS. I didn't actually feed them outside mind you, they existed on whatever greeblies had grown in the pond over summer

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very sad all died...strange thing tho was i saw a tiny worm either coming out or going in a dead fry,is this a parasite or a scavenger???.

well i might have to stick with my wcmm i have over 50 fry healthy and no problems there..

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