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distalled, r.o. water for tank, stargazers latest problem


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my well is contaminated so it looks like those are my choices distalled or r.o. Which would be better? also, is there any minerals or anything else to add to the water, or is there a way to get ammonia out of tap water? It would not be in a gas form as it comes from run off

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What is the well contaminated with?

And RO water is best. Unless you want a $1000/month power bill just to boil water then you can go with distilled.

You'll need to add some trace elements back in, Probably just some baking soda, mag sulphate or something should be enough.

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You'd wanna make sure your roof was clean- im not sure if id want bird poop and all sorts of other things in my tanks :lol:

Star- i know that there are products similar to that 'rift lake salts' that african keepers use to put in RO water but most people would make up their own, there should be a few recipies floating around on the net :)

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I use rainwater for my fishies (small tank). Dwarf gouramis were breeding happily, and plants growing out of tank, so don't think its caused me any problems.

As to the bird poop in water comment, I think its a relatively natural additive :wink: Be more of a problem if your roof is copper I *think*

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Rainwater will be your cheapest option and is not likely to be contaminated with any more bird droppings than many of the worlds water supplies. It may be a bit acid from acid rain if you are getting SO2 from from air polution. I use rainwate to breed killies as it is soft and acid.

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