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Garnet as a substrate


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Hi all,

HAs anyone here ever used garnet (orange-red-pink sand) as a substrate in their freshwater tank?

The reason I ask is we're sandblasting the floors of our Premium Unleaded tank at work (6.4 million litres) and the sandblasters have kindly offered to donate me a couple of bags of garnet.

I thought it'd look cool in a cube with some central stones, and maybe some convicts to act as acontrast.

Whats everybody's thoughts?

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I don't know anything about the scientifics of the idea but as long as it is clean and pure i don't see why not. Perhapes as an experiment soak a handfull in a tank and monitor the hardness and pH levels (and any other elements of importance) to see if they are affected by the garnet.

Otherwise i would just say you HAVE to post pics once you set it up!! :bow:

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Is it rough or sharp? It may damage cory or other bottom dwelling fish's mouths.

its very fine, the bags we got were much finer than sand. it was used instead of shot which is very rough to blast paint off & leave a smooth paintable surface on the steel.

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The grade they're using is "80", which I think works out to 80 microns?

If and when I get it all sorted (and if it works!) I'll post a photo.

its been a while since i had anything to do with garnet & microns but isnt 80 microns 0.08 of a mm? if so that is very fine & will be washed around at the blink of a fish's eyelid :)

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