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I hope to become a more active member of this forum again as I have been in the past, but I can't promise anything as I'm a little overextended at present!

I've ended up with a damaged male betta from someone keeping two males together (sold as a male and female). My boy is deep red with almost no fins. He's a fighter (pun intended ;)), as I was sure he would die as soon as he was brought into the vet I work at

He was kept with tetras who would harass him when the light was on, but he's a hardy wee thing and survived. I've had him at home alone in my 50L by himself and he's growing his fins back at a marvellous rate!

Two questions: I've heard conflicting stories on whether or not I should get him girlfriends. I was thinking I'd keep him and a couple of girls as the only mid-strata fish, but then I read they may fight too? Thoughts?

Also, I'd really like a get a red tailed shark, but will he want to eat my betta? I would like a couple of leopard corys, a red tailed shark, and a pit bull pleco, but that's probably waaaay too much for 50L?

Do corys need to be in bigger groups? Do any or all of these bottom feeders need fine gravel (I have big stones)? Maybe just the shark and the pleco

Thanks for your time, I feel guilty because I come back periodically to ask questions and haven't really contributed recently. I just over-planned, didn't get anywhere, and then felt like I didn't really have anything to say on a fish forum when I had no fish!!

Thanks all :bounce:

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Hi, IMO its better to keep a male with more than two females as its more peaceful in the tank - I usually have a male in with at least 5 females to keep the peace. Sharks need bigger tanks and they also jump. Neons, cardinals usually leave fighters alone as do swords but just don't have angels, barbs, male guppies or other fin nippers in the tank or the males fins will disappear again.

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Male and female fighters can be kept together normally no problem, however in a 50L they wont be able to get out of each others visual range so if they do fight it'll be very bad.

Yeah redtailed sharks do get quite big and can be aggressive. Not sure about pitbull plecos for size, but I'd stick with a common bristlenose for cleanup duty, the goldens (GBAs) are quite pretty and dont get too big.

Of course if you plan on getting a larger tank later on or selling the fish when they get larger, then thats no problem.

Keep in contact with us, or join a local club :) That way if things go wrong you've got locals to help out. Was only last night I handed out a heater to a local member :)

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Your tank isn't big enough for a red tailed shark.

Corys love being in a group but cope ok in smaller numbers

Stink! Oh well, I'll have to wait until I'm willing to set up my 180L. I vaguely recall they get big now that I think about it...

Apparently pit bull plecos don't get too big? They're very cute, I could probably cope with just one bottom feeder. Does anyone know where I could get one in NZ?

Sounds like I don't have enough room for my boy to have a harem :lol: When he was in with the neons and cardinals at work they harassed him though? What about gouramis?


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No disrespect meant to you Fenris... but "Where do you get these names from..."?

Apparently pit bull plecos don't get too big?

I don't wonder that the trade and the hobbyist are in utter confusion over some of the names used today.


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"Pit bull plecos" were available 5 or 6 months back. They were around 2-3cm's long and were only about $20. they arent in any shops these days as i think it was a one off shipment.... They may become available once again in the future, but you never know

People mainly know them as 'pitbull plecos' because thats what the shops called them.... Shops should use scientific names!!!

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But the question is...

"Can "anyone" find a scientific name for such a fish.." ?

Obviously some catchy name made up by someone hoping to make a fast buck.

they arent in any shops these days as i think it was a one off shipment
There was a Rotty.. and a Mastiff variety available.. but these were too docile :)


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There was a Rotty.. and a Mastiff variety available.. but these were too docile :)


LOL. I think i saw them on planetcatfish but im not sure so yea, maybe someone more experienced with cats will contribute (hopefully)

EDIT: look at that, a quick google and you end up with this; the Parotocinclus jumbo, LDA-25 8)

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Parotocinclus jumbo

... Which is actually a bit misleading in itself... as Par.. means "equal".. .(Equaloticinclus...?) he he.

and the fish is part of the Loricariidae family.. which includes the Hypoptopoma and Otocinclus genera.. a different family..

The P. jumbo has a dorsal fin.. and the Oto...(sp).. don't.

Seems the name Pit Bull Pleco was "adopted" in 2002

Pit Bull Pleco, LDA-25

But the Parotocinclus was named/discovered around 1877.

Cute little fish.. and apparently can be sexed by their genital papilla.

Mark said:

I'll try and get a pic.

Pics links here...

This fish..

http://www.aquahobby.com/gallery/e_Paro ... _jumbo.php

Looks quite a bit different to this.

http://www.scotcat.com/loricariidae/par ... jumbo1.htm

Hard to believe that it is named that... but trust the Americans :)

My apologies... it seems there is indeed such a creature.. :)

As we say... "We learn something every day on the NZFR ".. :)

Sorry if this looks like a thread highjack... but it's all related to the original poster... and quite interesting I suppose :)


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But having said this...

"Can "anyone" find a scientific name for such a fish.." ?

.. (..and my Latin is pretty rusty these days..)..

Parotocinclus jumbo "still" does not translate to anything that resembles "Pit Bull".. so it is ... like many others and just a local adopted name.

If you went shopping in the Far East for a Parotocinclus jumbo.. you would possibly get a similar fish... whereas if you asked for a "Pit Bull" you would possibly get something either on a leash... or on a plate :)

.. which is why we should stick to the scientific names where possible.

Sounds staunch.. and pretty macho.. but has no meaning in this part of the world... and is a sales gimmick.


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Three points.

(1) I don't mind thread hijacks, so long as my questions get answered too :)

(2) I find it difficult to believe that people actually buy fish based on "flashy" names?

(3) Oh come on, those who got up in arms! You knew what I meant, why does it matter that I used the common name in this case?

(4) As a pit bull owner and fan I find it highly irritating that the only association is with being "tough" and "macho". Not everyone who owns pit bulls are dumbasses - just the ones that make the news :cry:

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No disrespect meant to you Fenris... but "Where do you get these names from..."?

No disrespect meant to you Pegasus, but quotation marks are not used for emphasis

(In case you can't tell, I want to make it clear that I'm not shitty at you BTW... Couldn't resist being a smartarse though ;))

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OK. Another question. The general consensus is 50L is too small for my betta to have girlfriends? Really, would he be happiest alone?

I just think it would be cool to have some girls, but I'm getting the impression they are happiest with 3-5 girls and that they may fight in such a confined space?

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No disrespect meant to you Pegasus, but quotation marks are not used for emphasis ..

No disrespect meant to you Fenris, but quotation marks were used when asking the question.. by me anyway.

(In case you can't tell, I want to make it clear that I'm not shitty at you BTW... Couldn't resist being a smartarse though )

Certainly can tell..

Smartasses don't tend to last long around here... so please take care :)

What part of this did you find difficult to understand...?

My apologies... it seems there is indeed such a creature..

As we say... "We learn something every day on the NZFR "..

Please return to the topic.


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Well, I am shocked that you interpreted "smartarse" in this context as meaning someone who is passive-aggressive. That's fine, I can't force you to see things as I do, but don't assume vice-versa

You may also note that my previous post is well on-topic

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OK. Another question. The general consensus is 50L is too small for my betta to have girlfriends? Really, would he be happiest alone?

Really depends on the individuals, some fighters are grumpy other are friendly, personally I think he'd be best on his own. If you're worried about him getting bored, get him a mirror, should keep him occupied :)

Another option is to trial a fish, put her in, see what happens, if they begin fighting most pet stores will take her back. Its best to talk to the store before doing this though to make sure everything will be ok.

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Really depends on the individuals, some fighters are grumpy other are friendly, personally I think he'd be best on his own. If you're worried about him getting bored, get him a mirror, should keep him occupied :)

Another option is to trial a fish, put her in, see what happens, if they begin fighting most pet stores will take her back. Its best to talk to the store before doing this though to make sure everything will be ok.

Oh well, I'll be sensible and leave him alone. He's a cool wee fish, I'd rather he was the king of the roost if that's what does it for him ;)

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