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tire track eels

obie trice

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hey all.... i have a tire track eel had him for about 2 years, hes been with fish all this time and at the mo hes with a discus and 2 angels (which are quite big), apparantley he tries to attack them now and then.

what do people here feed theirs? like ive read on google what to feed them but wanna know what people in nz feed them? live food?


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Mine isn't overly shy and yes when hungry they will take the odd snap at a passing fish, they can do fin damage. As they get bigger they get bolder.. I had mine in with some juvenile fish (not small juvies) and watching the tyre eel predate was amazing, he actually had ambush tactics :lol: He worked in a slow motion till he was close enough and then snap!

Mine prefers mysis shrimp, blood worms, earth worms, tubifex, he won't touch any form of flake or granule based foods.

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