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Does anyone in Wellington sell cichlids


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Hi every 1 i was wodner dose any 1 sell cichlids in Wellington becouse in the near future i will be wanting to buy some so if you could tell me what fish your selling and how much you want for them. So i can see if they will go with the fish i have at the moment. Thanks

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at the moment i have

2 Baby Oscars

2 Baby Silver Dollars

1 Peach Malawi not sure on name

1 Albino Malawi not sure on name

I might have 1 Girafe not sure

3 Silver Sharks

3 Adult Gold Barbs

I also have 2 that look like firemouths s im gonig with that

1 Kadango

also i have a couple of bristle noses 6 clown loaches and 2 plecos 1 around 30cm the other 10-15.

Hope this information helps

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That's what I thought would be the answer.


You are overstocked now once those fish have grown.

Have you ever done a check and found out how big each of them grow to.

Bet ya haven't, or else you wouldn't be where you are now.

No more fish and start looking for a new tank or new homes for some of the fish.

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ob,when you have sorted the fish you have im sure there are lots of people on here that can sort some africans for you,but please research the fish for required water parameters.sounds like your going to have an interesting combination in your tank.might be better to get that 6 footer sooner rather than later


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Agreed, and your africans would be much happier in a tank dedicated to them as they require the opposite water of your oscars.

In one tank you could have:

2 Baby Oscars

2 Baby Silver Dollars (these prefer to be in groups)

3 Silver Sharks (these get *real* big)

3 Adult Gold Barbs (these will get eaten eventually)

I also have 2 that look like firemouths s im gonig with that

1 golden sevrum

1 pictus catfish

I would have no less than a 500L tank for the above fish because of your sharks. If you didnt have them you could probably get away with around 350-400L. Oscars grow around an inch a month so get big quickly, also when they hit puberty a cramped tank can cause major personality clashes which can end badly.

And in the other:

1 Kadango

1 Peach Malawi not sure on name

1 Albino Malawi not sure on name

I might have 1 Girafe not sure

Im not sure what size these guys max out of but they would probably appreciate more of their own kind.

Best of luck :)

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