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Question on Plecos


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hey stargazer yr pleco will be quite nocturnal which means you wont see him doing his job ..depending on how much algae you have and how big yr pleco is will depend on if he can keep up with the workload so to speak ..one thing to note and i will keep saying this plecos are NOT algae cleaners they will do this for you as a matter of course but do not buy one intending it to clean up yr tank thats YOUR job to maintain the water quality and algae problems look for issues causing the algae and not expect the pleco to miraciously make it disappear treat yr pleco like its any other fish that has no specific job and you will thoroughly enjoy it treat it as a worker bee and it will disappoint you

try feeding it courgette to tempt it out and algae wafers that has wood content expect it to eat just algae all day and it wont be the happy pleco you would like it to be

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