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Help with plumbing on new setup. Leak test failed


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I am setting up a 3 foot marine tank with an overflow in the back corner. The overflow has two bulkheads which I put in myself. This morning once the silicone on the bulkheads had cured I moved onto my other plumbing and put some water in to test.

I put a durso standpipe on one bulkhead and a tube on the second, which will be a return. When I added a couple of litres of water to the overflow drips started coming down the pipe with the tube on. At this stage the bulkheads and the standpipe don't seem to be leaking. So the problem must be with my connection from the bulkhead to hosetail adapter, or from the hosetail adapter to the tube.

Any ideas on how to test or remedy this situation. Thanks

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I tried putting way more thread tape on the connection and it seems to have fixed that problem.

Now I have put a bit more water in the problem is with the standpipe instead. It could be not enough tape again, but the socket may be too tight for me to get it off to redo the tape.

I have considered adding a hoseclamp for the tube, but will it create a rust problem in salt water?


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All types of stainless steel will rust given enough time in salt water. This is why temp probes etc use titanium.

I suggest you use glued pressure plumbing. If it's leaking now, at very least you will get salt creep in the longer term, at worst your fittings will come apart usually in the middle of the night or while your on holiday.

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Thanks all. I have stopped the leaking. Clearly I had no idea how to use plumbers tape, and used nowhere near enough. Now its fine.

What is salt creep? I keep hearing about it, but can never find a thorough explanation of it, or ideas to remedy it.

At this stage I have not used glue on any of my connections for the standpipe since my overflow is very narrow and I would prefer to be able to undo it easily should anything need attention. The return tube is very tight and secure with no glue either - I will be interested to see if this changes when water pumps up it. At this stage I am content, but are there any precautions/recommendations before I move on?

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