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Do snails need light?


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I think there are some in my tank on the side in small groups, but they are sort of crunchy when i touch them? Are they eggs? There is only snails food and water in the tank so i think they are eggs but am not sure.

How long do they take to hatch?

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Yeah they are eggs, they look like the third picture that nick777 posted. I have red ramshorns that lay eggs like that. As far as hatching i am not sure, think it would take a few weeks to get to the decent size to hatch.

Also on the lighting, if you are trying to encourage them to grow faster i spose having more lighting would help simulate a natural environment in some sort of way. I am no expert though. :o

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Yeah mine are small also about 5mm across, but i meant the ones that Hans was decribing on the side of his\her tank were ramshorn eggs and they look similar to the third picture. I Should explain things better hehe.

Anyone know how long they take to hatch, also does anyone know how long Apple snail eggs take to hatch as well.?

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