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Mark's new 350L Tank (4-Foot) - Updated FTS - Page 4!


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130cm x 45cm x 60cm (LWH)


4x Discus

1x Pantadon Butterfly

1x Black Ghost Knife

4x Silver Sharks

7x Clown Loaches

1x Hemisynodontis Membraneucs

1x Chocolate Talking Cat

2x Port Hoplo Catfish

15x Pearl Danios


1x Borneo Sword

1x Melon Sword

1x Amazon Sword




Java Fern

Dwarf Sag Grass

Few Reeds


Dual 300W Jager Heaters

4foot Double Bulb T5 Light (Soon!)

Dual 2 foot LED Lighting Strips (moonlights) (Soon!)

Fluval 404 Canister Filter

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Scale of 1 pixel = 1 mm

(wow, that picture is horrible...)

Kind of to scale lol :P

You will need to click the fullsize image link to make it viewable.

I will occasionally hide food in the sand for the loaches to dig up, should be interesting to watch them :)

Granite / marble should be ok in the tank right?

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Couple of questions about my filtration:

Am i best to use a single external Canister (404), or am I better off also using a small internal filter to boost the waterflow?

Any ideas on other plants would be helpful, i'm looking for a little bit more colour - reds would be nice, and pref. hardy plants as i'm inclined to beat them up a little bit :)

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My tank arrived tonight (Yesterday), depending on when you went to sleep.

I think i've bitten off more than I can chew.

The tank DOMINATES my room, its awesome, the way i'm going, i'll be wall-to-wall fish very quickly (Thats a good thing, right..?)

Final dimensions: 130cmx45cmx60cm (LWH)

I'll put up pictures as I get it up and running ;)

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http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j106/ ... CF1313.jpg

Chest of drawers that the tank will be on.

http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j106/ ... CF1312.jpg

FTS (lol :D )

http://i78.photobucket.com/albums/j106/ ... CF1309.jpg

My discus, pantadon, sevrums, hoplo cat.

Please Edit Your Pics.

Img Tags Removed.

They are almost "Twice" the screen Width.



Yunno, I hate photobucket.

When previewing the post, it was 640x480, and now its changed to 1024x768

Oh well, clicky links to view :)

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Jo said:

Yunno, I hate photobucket.

When previewing the post, it was 640x480, and now its changed to 1024x768

Photobucket is one of the best places to store pics.. (I have going on 4000 stored there)... and they will (as David well points out)... re-size "automatically" if you set it up in your account.. or profile.

Let me know here when you have resized and I will remove the unwanted posts and comments.



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