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Discus question


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a while ago i brought 2 red turk discus at about 35-45mm

since then ones started to grow and is approx twice the mass of the smaller one ... now heres the problem


this forces the little one to hide at the back during feeding times and ive now seen a few small nips taken out of the little ones tail

the larger one mostly swims around with is black stripes suppressed while the little guy always has his black vertical stripes showing

the tank is well planted so there are hiding spots

whats the best way to get around this as i think if it stays like this it could be the little guys dimise in the future :cry:

cheers for all comments coming


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A big problem with purchasing discus that small is that some will end up runted. You'll be best to separate the two or cull the smaller of the two.

If they had been grown to proper selling size of 5cm+ the breeder would have had to do this himself, but luckily unknowing buyers are happy to spend $40 for a tiny fish and save him the trouble.

So, to answer your question the best solution is to purchase another tank and keep them separated. Otherwise, you can try and figure out some way of dividing your tank to keep them away from each other.

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i have a similar problem with mine, i bought them on the weekend and have had a fair amount of aggression between them. I bought three from a person who was breaking down their discus setup, 2 are quite large around 10cm (i think 2yrs old) while 1 is around 8cm and i suspect all three are males.. One of hte males is out and about but tends to chase the other two. The other large male spends most of his time hiding and his colour is very dark. When is challenged or attacked by the other male he fights back so i'm thinking thats a good sign? He just doesn't want to come out front much though, is there anything i can do for them/him

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Get more, if you have a group and one is getting picked on leave it in there or the next smallest one will be picked on if you remove the other one. When you have a breeding pair one will be dominant just how it works. Buying fish that size is ok if you get a group of say 5, the price of larger fish are quite high but when you work out the cost and time spent to get them to breeding age (10cm) $100-150 for a nice fish is about rigth.

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yeah thats what i''m hoping, when i woke this morning all three were out and about so hopefully they'll start settle in. I don't really want to put more in as i don't feel they would have enough space. Tank is 180L for the three of them

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