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Aquarium Dude

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Is it getting too hot or too cold? and how quickly, in 400L it should take a while to change temp.

try having a thermometer just outsude the tank and see if the temp varies the same in the room, if so your heater is not keeping the tank warmer than the room and you may need to just turn it up. or if it's getting to hot, ie the room is getting warmer thn you would like, either fork out for a chiler or a few frozen coke bottles of water in the top during peak heat will work,(sort of in 400L)

If however the fluctuations are hotter than the surrounding room, then your heater may be getting stuck.

Could your thermometer be broken?

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Does it fluctuate with the room temperature?

Mine will vary 2 deg between a warm day / cold night.

The simple aquarium heaters aren't exactly a precision device, and having the thermostat in the same tube as the heater element must cause some innacuracy.

I would also suggest that if it's room temperature variations it's not going to harm the fish, it's almost like the natural cycle they would get in a stream or pond. If you aim for 25deg (or whatever your fish prefer), 24-26 wont hurt.

If the temperature variations are random though it could be a sticking thermostat, keep an eye on it and maybe replace it.



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That would be quite normal for a bimetallic thermostat which is what is used on heater/thermostats. The only way to get a more constant temperature would be to use a far more expensive electronic thermostat. I have a set up with electronic thermostats and it fluctuates even more than yours for other reasons but the fish don't seem to mind.

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