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Sick white cloud mountain minnow.


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I've just noticed one of my white cloud has white stuff wrapped around most of its body, wasn't swimming very well, it looked like it was going to die, so I got hold of it and very gently scrapped the white stuff off, most of it anyway it was quite hard.

What could it be? Any ideas? It didn't look like it has grown on the fish as after I scrapped off one area it revealed perfectly good skin, I think it might be something in the water the fish has unfortunately swam into and got caught in it.

Right now it's not looking too well, sort of floating and flipping its tail a little.

Advice appreciated. Thanks

PS. Also another minnow has a goldfish granule stuck in its mouth? Should I worry about that? Cheers

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I would have said a bad fungus infection but I know of no fungus that is hard. I would be doing a series of water changes in case poor water quality is the cause (as it is in 99% of cases). Have you done any water tests?

Is it another wcmm or one of the other fish? I would be quarantining the minnows if both have the same symptoms.

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he has died as well. It is just WCMMs. I have 2 golden algae eaters in the tank, I know they can get aggresive when they get older but they are juveniles. could they be causing the problem? Any chance they attacked the minnows and caused some sort of injury?

Will also do water changes.


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Hmm... a while back I posted about my minnows dropping off slowly with their mouths stuck open the day before they died. I didn't really notice anything fungusy but they were losing colour. Could it be similar? I never did find out what struck mine but it seems to have stopped now, not before all my babies died when a dead fish escaped my notice.

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Another 2 are showing the same white stuff on their bodies but not too much, getting pretty frustrating now, I did a 40% water change on friday.

Don't really have any idea what's wrong with the water, the only thing I can think of right now is maybe my golden algae eaters are attacking them? But they still juveniles so shouldn't be aggresive??

Also sometimes temperature can be as low as 16 degrees, but that's ok right since they are meant for cold water.

Any advice at all would be appreciated. Thanks a lot

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