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Food recommendations


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What else can I feed my fish besides flakes and dried tubifex? My fish are literally sick of eating those two and prefer looking around the tank for food.

I just bought some microworms (got some fry) and am thinking of hunting some live daphnia. Any other kind of food that I can find?

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Funny you should mention the tubifex actually.. my fish can't stand tubifex.. they just spit them out.

My fish love frozen Brine shrimp, Mysis Shrimp (yet they could be too big for your fishes mouths to manage), and a product called Nippy Nip of which they go mad on distributed by Brooklands. I also give my fish a frozen mix that has Krill, vegetable matter, fish etc

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well you could try shrimp pellets , a frozen tropical mix sold at lfs or make yr own (mix finely ground beef heart well trimmed with green veges and blend then freeze ) or a different flake , there is also frozen bloodworms/whiteworms , mysis shrimp does work if you rub the frozen block it breaks into smaller pieces ..

live foods like daphnia and mossie larvae are scarce but still available .. there is even a cheap brine shrimp flake on the market in some lfs

as for yr BN......DO NOT assume its fine with just pellets it needs variety like all the rest try courgette for a start you will even find the other fish pecking at it aswell

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if you are wanting to feed live water living creatures (daphnia etc) get them from a clean, trustworthy source. they can introduce all sorts of nasties to a tank which is why i dont feed them- im too paranoid :lol:

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The other fish do pick at the pellets I drop for my BNs and the BNs do the same to whatever flakes drop from the surface.

I will try some frozen bloodworms, but it seems to me that it seems the most expensive to purchase. But anything for the fish yes? Will get some cucumber/courgette tomorrow, its just that I cant seem to buy them in small amounts as this sleepout has no fridge and the only fridge is in the house.

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