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Filtration Rate vs Algae Levels POLL!


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Hi all, i would like to run a poll & then debate the total findings on a following thread once i think we have enough info.

I think there is a link between how much filtration you have & how much algae grows in the tank. I have alot of filtration, not high flow & minimal, if any algae.

Below is how i would like the info:

Filtration rate: 9.5 (200L filtered at 1900L/hr, filter L/hr / tank L )

Algae: 1 (a scale 1-5, 1 being very litle & 5 being alot)

Please note how many algae eaters etc you have & if you use algae treatments to.

I will record all post info & post the final info on a following thread. Thanks to all who participate.

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Filtration: (444L tank filtered at 2400L/ph {used to be 3600L/ph})

Algae: 0

Algae eaters: 1 goldspot pleco (15cm)

no chemical treatment

tank no 2:

Filtration: (250L tank filtered at 1700L/ph)

Algae: 1

Algae eaters: 7 small bristlenose

no chemical treatment

tank no 3:

Filtration: (180L tank filtered at 900L/ph)

algae: 3.5

no algae eaters

no chemical treatment

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just do it the simple way, read the box your filter came in and post the liters per hour rate. also mention the size of your tank.

but then iwill have to get a calculator & work out rates 50 times, rate will be much more helpful :)

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I don't think there is any relationship between filtration rate and algae as algae is generally not filtered out and the microbes in the filter contribute to the soluble materials that promote the growth of algae

i think there may be, that is why i am asking for info for this poll

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I dont think there is a link between filtration and algae, BUT, i do know that algae doesnt like to grow in direct flow

But anyway, what you wanted....

Filtration: 4.8 :lol:

Algae: 5!

Algae eaters: 2 large BN, 4 medium GBA, Large SAE, Hundreds of baby BN, and 1 clown pleco (dno if that is an algae eater or not though)

No chemicals - Chemicals are bad!

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I may be wrong as im still new to all this but my geuss would be the big contributers to algae are;




Plant & or fish load.

Feeding (what and or quantities)

In saying tht if your filters low on good bacteria (ie not cycled then you may get algae as things will more than likely be out of balance.

I maybe way off so please correct me if im wrong. .

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