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early morning wake up call


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at 7am my son decided to come and wake me up. i was not impressed. that was until he said "Mum, your tank has a hole in it" :o

Practically flew out of bed to find my 3ft bay window, tetra, tank had sprung a leak. the silicon had come away just slightly on 1 corner about 10cm up from the base. Fortunately, it had only just occurred and there was only about a bucket full of water all over the floor.

siphon hose came out with buckets and we lowered the water level, to ease the pressure. once the "spray" had been reduced to a dribble, all of the fish got moved into my 4ft with the guppies (and they are less than impressed)

plants are currently living in buckets.

table is completely covered in all manner of fish keeping paraphernalia, as i had to empty the cupboards below. :roll:

So, that's my fun for this morning. What about you :lol:

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Get some Silaflex RTV and patch the hole from the inside. Chris Downs should be able to help with that, if you haven't spoken to him already.

I guess kids are the best thing since Lassie for telling people about trouble, aye?

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I visited a friend who has been having trouble with fancy goldfish dieing.Checked ph in tank 1 (6.3) tank 2 ...............wait for it a staggering 4.5! Yes 4.5 did test 3 times. After picking myself off the floor checked hospital tank and believe it or not it was over 8. That was my morning.

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I turned up to work to find my work site had been vandalized, 2 steel box's that had been concreted into the ground where ripped out(they where our power boxes with live wires in them. Just 10m from work(on the lake front here in Taupo) there where smashed bottles and McDonald's rubbish all over the car park. Of course of cleaned it up like i do most weekend's. To top it off my Tiger Datnoid still wont eat. What a great day. Get to do it all again tomorrow :roll:

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Tsarmina, how old is the tank?

If it is getting on, then you may have to strip all the tank down and do a rebuild.

Probably a daunting job for someone that's not sure on what to do, but you have a lot of knowlegable ppl down that way.

I agree with the choice of Chris, he knows what he is doing and if you get him to have a look at it, I'm sure that he'll give you a fair appraisal of the job and what it entails.

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