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I'm looking to get a Birchir to add to my "community" tank (Its not really...), are there any smaller types avaliable, and if not, how quickly do they grow.

Also, anyoneknow of any pricing & where I could get one?

How well would the mix with clown loaches, pantadon, BGK, peacock eel, and a few silver sharks?

Fully planted tank, with added driftwood.

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http://www.monsterfishkeepers.com/forum ... hp?t=65770

Pretty much everything you need to know (and heaps that you dont, but its interesting to learn anyway).

Really cool fish, I've got an ornate and palmas, and I'm looking for more! Palmas, delhezi, and senegal are three of the smaller species (still around 30cm) that we can get here.

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bought a 12cm albino senegalus 12 months ago for 80 and 1 month ago paid 120 for a 32cm ornate, both on trade me, didnt know what they were worth but they are really interactive fish, The ornate hangs in midwater in the front of the tank, while "lurch: the senegal sculls all round the tank,

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bought a 12cm albino senegalus 12 months ago for 80 and 1 month ago paid 120 for a 32cm ornate, both on trade me,

:o thats pretty good!!! I'd watch the ornate with the smaller senegal. Mine has taken a dislike to the palmas so I've had to seperate them. They also have much larger mouths than it looks, a friend had his big one pick off a few of his decent sized clown loaches! :(

Any pics???

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Guest Anonymous

clown loachs are a favorite food for then

when you research some the books and information, when a couple of people when trying to breed them, they conditiond there breeding pairs on the clown loachs, definatly, much be cheaper to buy the clown loach over seas l :bounce: :lol:

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Guest Anonymous


i will start searching threw my library of book and magazines tomorrow, might take a while and there are a far number of them and can not rembr which one it was in. But do rember it as tried it when i had a pair of them

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