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New Fish???


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Depends on the size of the tank. many of the small shoaling fish will go with these but some need to be in groups of 6 or more to stop too much fin nipping.

Harlequins, rummy nose tetras, pristellas, cardinals, lemon barbs, small tetras or rasboras. Got any bottom dwellers? Consider some corydoras or bristlenose catfish Ancistrus sp

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How big is your tank?

Most of the fish you have live in the middle and top of the tank.. so maybe some bottom living species.

One of the smaller plecos (like a bristlenose) would be fine. You will want some bogwood in there for it to hide in and feed on. Added bonus is it will eat any algae growing in the tank. Be aware those little baby common plecos in the fish shops can grow to a foot long fairly quick, so make sure you check what species you are getting.

Kuhli loachs - I think they prefer to be in a group of 3 or more but they dont grow too big

Corydoras catfish - again get a small group of them.

Avoid anyting that has a reputation as a fin nipper.. those guppy tails will just be too tempting :roll:



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Depends on how big your tank is ... but definitely gouramis. I have two honey goldens and I love them. They don't grow too big. I'd like a couple of the powder blues too!

Also the corydoras coz they are funny! Real characters!

:) Your hoping its a big tank huh David R?
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He gave enough to not suggest an Arowana :roll: :lol:

Not really, didn't mention tank size, and didn't say they have to co-exist with the existing fish. :wink:

Smax: How big is the tank?

How have you set it up (planted? rocks?)?

How much filtration do you have on it?

What is the water like?

Are you working towards any sort of theme, or just a general mixed community of smaller fish?

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For a start they will eat the fish already mentioned. :roll:

My guess is it is a small tank.

i've recently set up a second tank with guppies and platies and neons. i want to put a few more fish in this tank.

He has small fish, only wants to add a few more. Few to me means not many. Therefore small fish, not many of them = small tank. Just a guess :lol:

Frenchy :D

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thanks guys. my tank is only about 60L and is planted. it has an undergravel filter and another internal filter (not sure of the name). the water seems to be ok. all the tests would suggest so and i haven't lost any fish. i am going down to the river tomorrow or sunday to find a piece of wood to put in the tank. i have got a bigger tank of about 160L that is broken at the mo and i am planning to get it fixed. so i was thinking of shifting everything into that when i shift house in a couple of weeks. i was thinking of dawaf gouranis or swords.

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