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Maintenance Time: Your fish scared of curious?


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When I do water changes sometimes I swear the fish seem to enjoy the excitement of something different happening in the tank!

The bullies get really, really, annoyingly curious. I often have to stop and shoo them away and have caught them in the vacuum before. The kokopu just seem to get really excited, but quite different from when scared (like avoiding a net).

All my fish (natives) eat invertebrates so it is not like I am stirring up food for them.

Has anyone else found similar things with their fish while doing water changes etc?


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They get used to whatever happens regularly...

I usually have to push my big pleco out of the way when I vacuum his tank, and allways have to check the bucket for small guppies that have done the pipeline trip :roll:


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yeah native fish love it. especially when the new water is going back ito the tank through the return they all go swim in the return flow

Very much so! Notably my kokopu. Whoever said they liked *slow* water?!

The thing I forgot to say in my first post was that all my fish are wild caught, most within the last year, so it is not like water changes (or humans for that matter) have been going on their whole lives.

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I got a good tail slapping and a few pecks tonight from a discus who had eggs (normally have to push the blighters out of the way) and usually have to fend off the oscar. All of my fish are used to me having my hands in the tank, except my bristlenose and agassizi who usually run and hide :lol:

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My Oscar stalks the vacuum... He's managed to bite me a couple of times, drew blood once. Also tends to do a spectacular "fast turn" at the surface and spread water ofer me and a good 3-4 metres of floor.

Gavin.... :) :)

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My butterfly rams and serpae tetras love it when i gravel vac and they try to eat the stuff going up the tube and can't suss out why they can't get to it. I have to be careful that I don't suck them up though, and most of my fish enjoy it when new water is poured into the tank, they like to go with the flow.

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Most of our fish tend to try to eat the flyng debris that goes up the gravel vac, or ignore it, they'e very used to it.

Have recently started having problems with our largest Oscar taking offense to my presence in the tank. They love playing in the hose water and alll of our fish perk up when we add cold fresh water.

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