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Small 39cmx18cmx18cm tank.What fish?


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Sorry to put a pock in but it is my job...

Fundulopanchax nigeriatum gardneri or gardneri nigeriatum is no longer a valid name, it's changed to Fundulopanchax nigeriastus.

In saying that the tank would be perfect for them, they're a really nice killi.

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Dixon wrote

Do killies prefer gravel or a sandy substrate? DO they like a planted tank?

That question is to general as there are many types of Killies.

As for F. nigerianus they would prefer a planted tank gravel or sand substrate does not matter.

However if you were breeding them then they would be perfectly happy in an unplanted tank with only a sponge filter and spawning mop, it's also easier to keep clean.

An ideal set up allowing for both (nice looking tank and spawning)with in the tank size mentioned would be a gravel substrate with grass type plants around the sides/back leaving most of the tank open. This will leave space in the middle for a spawning mop which they will prefer to spawn in over grass type plants, eggs will also be found just under the gravel surface and could be collected during a gravel siphon.

Hope that answers you question.

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