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Green cloudy water problem? Striking the right balance!


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Well my cloudy water problem is still ongoing and looks to be more of a green water problem. I have been battling this problem for the past couple of months (tank been set up going on 6 months now) and is really starting to get depressing...and am thinking about starting all over again. :evil:

I have tried blacking the tank out for a couple of days and although this was awesome for totally eliminating my small hair algae problem, it was only a matter of days before the cloudy green water returned.

Obviously my tank is getting excess Nutrients from somewhere. Im feeding the growing Discus around 3 times a day with frozen bloodworm, color bits or Nutrafin tropical flake. Here are some other specs

6 x Med sized discus

18 approx x Cardinals

4 x Sterbei Corydoras

2 x GBA

2 x Dwarf loaches

Ph 6.2

Temp 27-28'

Substrate 2"Daltons with 1-2" Silica Sand on top

Lighting 3.3 wpg


Ammonia, Nitrite & Nitrate are undectable using standard chemical testing methods.

For a while I was also using Flourish and Iron at the recommended dosage but have stopped until I sort this problem out.

I am doing around 30% water changes every second day and am adjusting my ph down slightly with a phosphate free acid.

Here are a couple of theories I am having, but do not explain the low Nitrate & Phosphate tests.

a) The silica sand as a substrate on top is not deep enough and maybe with the likes of glosso and min sag taking off along the aquairum base this is slowly releasing the mix into the water.

b) Lack of C02 for amount of lighting therefore the plants cannot utilize the excess Nutrients therefore free floating algae is flourishing.

c) Overstocked tank

Please let me know if anyone has any ideas of what is going on? I cant remember the last time I could just sit back and enjoy the tank :(

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I'm going for a). I have a similar problem in a planted tank that has those JBL ball things in it - I still haven't fully sorted it out and have been considering just removing them altogether (although I suppose that isn't much of an option for you). I've tried starving the tank of light, huge water changes, not changing any water for two weeks, nothing seems to really get it. Nutrafin's B-Clear worked well for three or four days but after it wore off the cloudyness returned. Like you I normally add flourish excel and pmdd but stopped it when this started.

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Buy an internal UV unit, even if you dont run it full time (it saves bulb life :) ) it will make a huge difference (will also help any possibly future disease in the tank). they can usually be picked up for around $100 for a smallish one. go to your LFS and see what they have. they work wonders

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this may sound weird but did you wash the sand before adding it in theroy a may have somrthing to do with it but wouldnt last this long one would imajine

no nitrates ? what filters are you using and how many ??

isuggest taking yr water to an LFS and get it checked for all minerals and trace elements possible, this may give you a better idea

never had this problem so i am clutching at straws have seen it in new tanks that havent fully cycled but not for 6 mths

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how often do u use bloodworms? if it was my tank id probably cut back on the feeding a bit especially the worms, and maybe cut down the waterchanges to once a week or twice at the most to see if this helps clear.

dont worry if the nitrates go up a little, 10 or 20 ppm wont harm your fish.

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Guest Anonymous

I agree with evil - most UV lights will promise you clear water (as far a green water goes), and if you dont get, take it back. Some products work, MagicClear (can harm your fish in some cases) and Clarity, but they are a temp. fix.

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Nutrafin's B-Clear worked well for three or four days but after it wore off the cloudyness returned

I tried this as well as the P-Clear and nothing noticeably changed

Buy an internal UV unit, even if you dont run it full time

I have viewed this as a last resort but would prefer to find the cause of the problem rather than just quick fixes. I am getting to my wits end so could be a very realistic option shortly! Thanks

do you have carbon in your filter??

No I do not use any carbon at all. I use to use this when I first started keeping fish about 10months ago but after a bit of research decided it was not suitable for large cichlids. Use to work wonders on the water and really keep it crystal clear though.

what is your filtration rate?

I am using a FLUVAL 404 which is on max flow rate of 340gph

did you wash the sand before adding it

Yes I washed the sand as best I could, but that was well over 5 months ago. Do some substrates expire?

how often do u use bloodworms?

I usually feed one small cube of frozen bloodworms per day. I often wonder whether I feed too much but the food all seems to get eaten in a matter of seconds and the Discus are always hungry. The one section of bloodworms is the largest portion they get all day, with a couple of sprinkles of flake or colour bits in the morning and evening. I have reduced the waterchanges before but this only seemed to worsen the green/cloudiness. As Mr Pleco suggests, I wonder whether there are some extra minerals or trace elements in my tap water which is fuelling the problem

is the fermenting stuff DIY (in the Co2 setup), or packets stuff from your LFS ?

This is the Nutrafin C02 reactor and activator sachets. Basically just yeast and sugar.

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hard to say what the problem is, probably as mr pleco said take some water and get it tested for everything? only other thing i can think of is maybe altering the amount of light, and possibly do away with co2? ive only had this problem once and it was when i tried diy co2. in saying that i probably didnt have enough light so meh who knows?? hope u get it sorted mate.

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I fixed my cloudy water problem on wednesday - I moved the bacterial part of my filter (the eheim substrat-like stuff) to the middle of my filter where there's more flow (it was at the bottom, I use an AquaClear 300 aka. 50). I figured that the cloudyness might have been bacteria growing in the water column because there wasn't any room in the filter, and it looks like I was right. Within 6 hours after cleaning out my filter and rearranging the media order it became crystal clear - I don't use carbon either.

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do a Black Out. completely cover the tank so that there is no light, for 3 days. OR use willow branches. place in tank upright (not in substrate). after around 5 - 10 days roots will form at base of branches. when this happens you should start to see a reduction in the green water. once cleared, remove the branches, otherwise your plants would starve of nutrients. process usually takes 2-3 weeks.

(courtesy james3200, May Aquarium World)

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I decided to run a UV sterilizer on the tank which has really helped and things are looking great. All the plants are pearling again so I guess the light is acutally able to penetrate the water now.

Thanks for everyones ideas and suggestions. I am guessing that something isnt quite right with my filter so might look into cleaning/replacing some of the filter media.

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Tectron UV25 Sterilizer. Awesome little device. Has completely cleared up my green/cloudy water in 36 hours and getting even clearer!

I will have to shorten the extra filter hosing that I used to connect the filter and sterilizer as this has restricted the flow rate into the tank.

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Hi Bli

Like you I too have a discus tank with rummy noses. I tried all the remedies in previous posts with the exception of willow branches.

I purchased a 24v UV sterliser and 8 days later my water became crystal clear.

My water was so fluro green it glowed.

My discus are so happy with this new piece of equipment they have spawned on it.

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I feel like I am cheating with the UV but it has made such a different to the tank. I can actually see the fish and all the plants and it has made the tank look so much bigger.

My discus are so happy with this new piece of equipment

Karen - My sterilizer is an external one that connect to the output from the filter. Do you leave yours continuosly running?

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