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What A Mission


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As most of you know i i am off to america in a few weeks.

so last week i moved my fish to a new tank in tauranga

and heres how it all went...

i started to get all the rocks out of my tank at about 8am... by 8.45am i had used up all the space in my polybox... so i went for a quick drive down to work to get another one and to also pick up 3 turtles for the person looking after my fish.

when i get to wotk i get the polybox, the 3 turtles as wel as my gold axolotl (going to the same person) and end up waiting for 1hr 15min for my boss to stop talking to people... pay for the turtles and then off i go back home to finish bagging my fish... so after 2.5hours of bagging fish i finally get on my way....

2 hours later

i get to tauranga and open up the polybox OH NO water every where in the box started rushing through the bags and found one that had lost some water but still had enough for the fish to live *sighs of relef* then as i got the rest of the fish out of the box i found another bag with no water at all and i was like oh *&^% then i started to jump around in the bag so i riped the bag open thew it in the tank... he didnt move so there was another *&^% #$%^ ^#$* and then like a light switch he just ziped off and hide... **sighs or relef again**

While all this was going on the turtles were put into there new tank, and the Gold axolotl setteled into his tank with about 10 other axolotls he is 1 of 2 males all the others are girls...

sorry for the long long long post

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