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What to keep with a oscar


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I have 3 silver dollars but they just sit there and are scared of me. I also have a BGK and a pleco and some convicts(i wish the oscar would eat my convicts and not my tiger barbs).

What else could i keep with my oscar?

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i had some oscars for a while and they had a range of different tank mates at different stages including:


silver dollars

fire eel

african cichlids


pictus catfish


parrot fish

texas cichlid

jag cichlid


large clown loach

and even once a giant goldfish that happened to be living in the tropical tank

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Unless you get a dat much bigger than your oscar you could be in for trouble. I've had my dat for around 2 years, and its about 6-7", where an oscar would be that size in a matter of months.

Best tankmate would be another oscar, or any medium sized semi-aggressive cichlid. Syno's would also work. How big is the tank?

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Normally its actually harder to introduce another oscar than another species.

Severums make good tankmates if your O will allow it in, alot of the time if theyve been alone for a while it can be hard to introduce other fish. A jack dempsy may also make a nice colourful addition. Geos, nics, firemouths, synos and so on also make good tankmates.

Basically anything that isnt african (ph difference) and isnt too big (under 12"), in a 300L you are rather limited as to what you can put in with him seeing as they need 220L+ to themselves bare minimum. You also have other fish in there already. Dont over stock a tank just because it will look more active otherwise you may run into issues. My 460L looks relatively empty, it has an oscar, a severum, 3 silver dollars, a plec and a RT black shark in it but it works very well.

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