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Filter requirements


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Thanks, Probably stupid question but would you put wool only in one filter and ceramic noodles in the other or both in each?? Would this make one filter purely biological and the other mechanical? is it true that you shouldn't put carbon into filters for discus tanks?

Sorry for all the questions! :bow:

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I would load up one with noodles in the bottom few trays & coarse foam in the top tray.

The other I would use with noodles & dacron in the top tray. Dacron is better, dosen't clog as quick, holds it shape better too.

Filter wool clogs really quick, meaning that you have to take apart the canister more often.{ I hate using filter wool :lol: }

For those that say they don't, well the filter wool once dirty is useless. The water just runs around it, therefore the wool isn't collecting the fine particles at all.

Frenchy :D

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ive got thick sponge, filter wool and noodles in mine but i have a coarse sponge block over the intakes to catch any larger particles and that gets rinsed every time i clean the discus tank (every 3 days :lol: ). Its amazing how much crud i get out of them

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