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Weird Bubble things !!!


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I have a new tank and have had 4 (since this afternoon 3 :cry: ) little guppies in it but I have noticed bubble-like white things on my anchor ornament and I don't Know why :-? !!! Do you now what they are??? Do you think these may have contributed to the death of one of my little guppies??? Do you know how to get rid of them if neccesary???

Thanks Hayley :bounce:

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If you just filled the tank recently there might be air bubbles in the tank. They pose no harm and will disappear in a few days. Also, it is not recommended that fish be added immediately into the tank after it is setup, however, guppies are usually one of the, if not the hardiest fishes around, and I've had no problems with guppies going in straight to the tank after filling it up.

Members of the forums will need more info about your tank, eg how long its been up, how big it is, equipment etc etc. They should be then be able to assist you better than I can.

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I have had the tank running for a week before I put the fish in :) and the bubbles when my brother triied to take them off with the end of the net they came off but didn't pop just floated around slowly before disappearing :-? (i think i didn't really see where they went) They are murky not clear so thats why i didnt think they were bubbles!!!


Thanks Hayley :bounce:

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Yes the ornament is from Hollywood Fish Farm :) and suitable for an aqaurium I dont know if the bubbles are any where else but it is certainly not obvious but the anchor is the main object apart from the fish in the tank so I guess thats why I noticed it and the anchor is the biggest thing in the tank which again is proably why I noticed but yes Im sure the anchor can go in!!! And I know that running the tank empty will do nothing and now I have the guppies so they are my starter fish!!! :)

:bow: Thanks Hayley :bounce:

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Everyone please HELP ME!!!

One of my red guppies is now looking in very very big trouble he is hardly swimming and floating most of the time!! :o One of my other guppies has been following him and nudging him when he got either too close to the gorund or stopped swimming but I think he has given up!

I dont know whats wrong with him and he doesnt look like hes going to survive much longer so please HELP ME save my fish! I really dont want to loose another one!!! :(

What do I do? :-?

Should I let nature take its course or save him some how or just keep him swimming and hope for the best???

Im really stressing so please HELP!!! :(


P.S. I tested every thing and the results are as following

PH: 7.2 but after ph down 7.0



G Hardness: 90

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Why should the pH be 6 - 6.5? Guppies aren't actually that fussed about pH but prefer 7.0 - 7.6 so 7.2 would be fine. Stop using pH Up stuff. pH swings will do more harm than a slightly too high or too low pH.

How big is this newly set up tank?

If you are unsure of the ornament then remove it and see if the fish improve but I doubt that is the problem.

Your tank is still cycling and guppies are not the best fish to use for this. The aquarium will have cycled when the ammonia and nitrite are both 0 and nitrates have started to rise.

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