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Friend's sick fish 95% Sure its Dropsy Advice?


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Hey guys,

a workmate of mine got 3 fantail goldfish for his 21st about a month ago. Its his first fish and i'm not too sure of his setup or water parameters but he's having trouble with sickness in the tank and i thought i'd ask here for some advice for him. Yesterday he sent he me some photos and its looks like dropsy for sure, but I have only ever seen photos on the net so can anyone confirm for me


Here's a photo top down, with one of the other fish next to it. He mentioned that the fish next to the one that looks like it has dropsy has ragged fins as well so i wondered what could cause that


Below is a picture of the fish which he says has ragged fins. Also it looks from this photo like the scales on this fish may be starting to pinecone as well?


He only has the one tank, and it has only been set up for around a month so quarantining doesn't seem to be an option. The third fish in the tank isn't exhibit any problems. He doesn't have any test kits, and when he does a water change he doesn't gravel vac. He mentioned the fish have been hanging around the filter outlet as well..

So... is the pinecone fella too far gone, should he euthanise it, or is it likely to live on ok without suffering? Also the second fish, do people think that is exhibiting dropsy as well and what would be the best treatment method? Sorry for the long post but I want to try and help him out.

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He really needs to get a siphon as who knows what is lurking in the substrate. It is possibly dropsy but possibly their diet as the scales only seem to be sticking out in the tummy area, which they will if the fish are getting constipated or bloated. Tell him to try feeding them some cooked shelled pea and see if that helps. Also, what is he feeding them? Some of the cheaper brands of goldfish pellets and sticks etc I found tend to expand more than others when water is added so after the fish swallows it, it swells up in their digestive system and they have trouble getting it to go right through.

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Dropsy is when the internal organs of the fish shut down causing the fish to retain fluid. Eventually they fail completely and the fish dies so IMO yes. Generally its a good idea to euthanaise the fish. However, if the fish is still feeding and swimming around it might not be dropsy as when I have had a fish with it it has stopped feeding and just floated in the water. If this one is still feeding etc I'd wait a bit longer. I'm assuming its not in a tank with anything else now?

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Depends whether its caused by a bacteria or something else. To be honest I'm not really sure. I haven't had it in a tank for a long time but it didn't seem to cause infection in other fish but I always removed the fish when I discovered it.

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