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T8 v T5


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Thought I had better start another thread rather than hijack the othe T8 one. I am wanting to get 3 X 120cm lights for my three barebottomed tanks, they are 120cm long X 30cm X 30cm. The lfs told me that T8 is way better than T5. What do you all think. I just get confused when I go in to buy bulbs as there are so many brands etc. Thanks in advance.

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T5 is better than T8, however T8 is cheaper.

For lighting bare tanks I'd use a single T8 tube. If you are growing plants and dont mind paying the little extra for T5, then totally go for it, they're smaller and more efficent and produce more light.

T8 Daylight tubes can be had for $6-8 in 120cm 36W at any electrical wholesaler, or even Mitre10 Mega, Bunnings etc

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Thanks Spidersweb - from what I've read on this site, I thought T5 was better. I need to do a bit of swapping around then as I have T8 on my planted and some spare T5 not doing anything at the moment. Now to work on getting some 4fts.

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t5 lets you go denser without the problems of light not escaping from between the tubes, they have more watts per tube (so long as you dont get the low output ones that most places stock in bare battens) and are electronicly controlled always so are more efficiant.

t8 is cheaper, about the same efficiancy if on electronic gear and can be picked up a hell of a lot cheaper if you are happy to go magnetic.

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on a 30cm deep tank ur not goin to find too much different between the T5 and T8.

IMO one is not better than the other but simply what is better for the job, T5 has a higher wattage per foot compare to T8 and has deeper penetration with a wider spread which is better if u have a deep tank.

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