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bloody hell......eggs!!

sid 201

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Hi all

After looking in the local shops and asking about I finally managed to pick up a young male Panduro to go with my female last weekend at Jensons(Glenfield) after visiting the inlaws.

He went strait into the tank as I don't have a quarantine tank at the mo(will be set up this week) and was completely ignored by the female and actually seemed to spend most of his time with my pair of Golden dwarf's(Nannacara anomala)

over the last couple of days I've noticed that a couple of my Neon's have had their tails chewed :o although I'd seen no aggro (will fins/tails grow back ok? -fish seem to swim ok )

well I've just discovered why...... the two Panduro are chasing everything away from one of the flower pot caves at the front of the tank-I can just get a look in using a torch and theres about 12+ red eggs in there :D with the female keeping a constant watch and the male patroling outside

what now ---I cant remove the flower pot to another tank without half stripping the tank

assuming the fry hatch what would be the best way to remove them? should i remove them at all?(theres plenty of cover in the tank)

sorry for blathering -this is the first time i've had fish breed (guppies dont count) and I'm pretty exited :bounce:

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Congrats :D :bounce:

I would leave the parents to it.. and if they get too nasty then possibly remove your Neons if you get too concerned. Their fins and tail if nipped a bit, will grow back :D

If you choose that you want to remove the fry later on, then I usually use a big syringe and carefully suck fry up and remove to nursery tank. Or a piece of air tube.

I hope the parents do a great job for you and once again congrats :D

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Ohhhh darn :-? Give them a go raising them again next time and if it continues to happen, then give them a go yourself, I have happily raised Apisto young from egg stage and had great success in doing so

Better luck next time and keep us posted :D

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