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Tank mate for a Bichir?!


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Yes you can still get the african knife but it will out grow your tank but then so will your bichir. $30-35 normaly give ur local fish shop a call and see if they can get you one...also butterflys eat worms and pretty much anything that floats. wax moth bugs work well. $49.00 from memmory.

congo tetras work as wel.. kribs will one day get eaten.

real cute little fishy you go there

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It looks like a little P. palmas, same as mine! I keep mine with three uaru, a tiger dat, clown loaches and (in about an hours time) a big fire eel. Mine seems to be pretty laid back, I think they'd be alright with anything big enough to avoid being a snack, but nothing too teritorial or aggressive. That said, I've seen photos on MFK of people keeping bichirs with CA cichlids (and I've I have a friend who keeps a large ornate with a big texas cichlid, pics) , however I wouldn't recomend it.

Try to train it to hand-feed, thats about the only way mine seems to get food, too slow/lazy.blind to compete with a hungry dat, 3 uaru and 4 big loaches!!

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So what do you hand feed him? Worms? or just pellets etc?

I think I'll definatly give it a go!

Mine is always very active and he's usually out and about all day. I think I'm going to give him some kribs to be friends with, its not a biggy if he does eat them eventually, and in the mean time I'm sure they'll 'make' some food for him to pick off!

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So what do you hand feed him? Worms? or just pellets etc?

I think I'll definatly give it a go!

Usually beef heart, prawn or frozen bloodworms/discus tucker etc, anything meaty really. I've seen him eat shrimp pellets too.

One thing to watch out for is eating gravel. I noticed mine doing it and straight away removed all the gravel as the size of the stones, well I can only imagine what they felt like coming out! :o

I keep him on fine 'grit' now, HFF sell it, and some pool shops stock it as pool filter sand.

BTW where/when did you get it? Still looks quite small compaired to mine, and I'm guessing they both would have come from the same lot.

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That said, I've seen photos on MFK of people keeping bichirs with CA cichlids (and I've I have a friend who keeps a large ornate with a big texas cichlid, pics) , however I wouldn't recomend it.

Oh c'mon the texas and bichir love each other... couldnt ever separate them.

Try to train it to hand-feed, thats about the only way mine seems to get food, too slow/lazy.blind to compete with a hungry dat, 3 uaru and 4 big loaches!!

Yeah hand feed them, beef heart, prawns, cichlid tucker. Heck my old flatmate left some old squid tubes and baby octopus in the freezer and they love it!

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