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I posted several weeks back about my blue rams laying eggs, and then the disappearance of the eggs - the parents ate them??

Welllll.......... Have just noticed hundreds of little fry. They aare about 2mm body length and 4mm in total. FReaked out because I thought the parents were eating them, but they are picking up the stragglers and spitting them back into the group.

Is there anything special I should be doing now? Don;t have brine shrimp and to be honest do they need it they seem to be getting on ok with whatever they are picking up in the tank. Should I pull them out and put them in a smaller tank with sponge filter...or just leave it to the parents?

Yipee what a great day! :bounce:

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Yep, I'd leave them with the parents too for now. If you moved them you'd need to get ahold of a microworm culture if you don't have one already because the fry's mouths are too small for any larger foods, then they can go onto bbs later. The fry will grow faster with the parents care too. Sounds like you've got some quality parents there :wink:

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Sounds like you've got some quality parents there :wink:

Yes thanks to you. Will have a look for some fzn bbs. Other fish in tank is siamese fighter, 2xdwarf gourami, bn, and guppies. Parents are great guarding them, i had wondered why there was an unusual amiount of aggression in the tank.

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Alright, BN, Gourami, and Guppys have been moved out, the parents and fry are day tripping all over the tank now. Will have to think about where the fighter can go. Think he will be ok with swords... YAY so cool i have fry

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still 70-90 little swimmers. they are great to watch, if one gets separated from the rest it drops to the ground and waits for the rest of the tribe to come back around. I can;t wait until they get a bit bigger

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