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I am going away for a few days and have some baby killies. Is there anything i should do so that they survive the few days i am away?

Its just that last time i went away i came back and there were none alive :cry: The ones i have now are prolly about a week older than the last lot, but i am not exactly sure of their age.

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  • 3 months later...

I now have 3 left, 2 are growing very quickly and have their stripes nice and dark the other is much smaller (just starting to get his stripes). When can you tell the males formt he females and how? Do they get their red chin first? I have Epiplatys Degati. I think the 2 bigger ones may have survived fromthe first lot and may have eaten alot of the second lot. But i am happy that i have managed to raise these three and it was a great learning curve for next time :)

This morning i was watchig these 3 dash around their tank and it looked like they were playing tag - one would chase one of the others, catch up to it then swim away as the other turned around and chased it. They are such cool lil fish :)

I am surprised at how hardy they are, i have a problem in their tank with the pH changing alot. At the mo it is really alkaline! But it doesn't seem to faze them in the slightest. I am trying to rectify it by doing water changes but it seems to be taking ages.

I found one lil tiny wriggler in the parents tank, he won't last long :( I can't catch him cos he is soooo fast! So decided to leave him. I was watching him last nite swim flat out around the tank. I noticed that when one of the adult fish went near him he would 'play dead' and just float on the water and then dash away when the other fish swam away. Is this some kind of survival technique?

I just added an algae eater to the adult tank, he has a golden head and tail and a brown body.

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