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Tasman Aquarium Club


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Hi All.

The TASMAN AQUARIUM CLUB at a special general meeting on 29-03-07 resolved to change it's meeting night to the 2nd Friday of the month.

This is being over ridden for the April meeting which is on

20th April at 7:30pm at 42 ABRAHAM HEIGHTS.

(I think some of the members are superstitious) :roll:

All and any members of Clubs that are visiting Nelson are most welcome to come along.

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Hi Paul :wink:

Thanks for that.

I'm really sorry you can't make it, 'cause I have organised the caterers especially for your coming. :roll:

But if you want to win lotto, I was told that one has to buy a ticket, and as the pension isn't available to me yet I cant afford a ticket to help you out either. :lol:


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