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I noticed oneof my discus had lost quite a bit of colour and was hanging out at te back of t tank for a copule of days - its red doll (think it looks quite close to a red melon) anyhow i have cheked ph, ammonia, and nitrates and they are all at zero but today she was sitting on the bottom kind of gasping, i rang the goldfish bowl yesterday and was told to put some formulin in the tank? any ideas/suggstions what may be wrong??? some of my other fish look a little dopey at the moment :

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Having a higher temp in your tank it reduces the amount of oxygen available in your tank.. compared to say one of a lower temp or a cold water tank, I was just wondering if you had sufficient water surface movement which oxygenates the water... also how well stocked do you have your tank?

I am not saying this is your problem at all, but pays to ask anyway :D

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Thanks for your help :D , I have two smaller discus, 3 scissor tails, 3 cardinal tetras, 2 platties, 2 dwarf gourami, 3 danios, 1 baby brittlenose 2 rosy barbs and 2 glowlight tetras and 2 penguin tetras i am wondering if my ovrgrown plants are causing stress?? I ma quite upset about it! especially since it lost all colour so quickly

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i would up your w/c's a bit and see if that helps, if in doubt do a w/c is my motto :lol: discus LOVE clean water and in most tanks a couple of 50%ers a week is sufficient depending on what you are doing (keeping, breeding, growing out etc).

if she is scratching heaps and breathing heavily she may have gill flukes. when she breaths is she using one gill more than the other?

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